Sunday, June 6, 2010

Lazy Sunday Afternoon

Its sunday afternoon here and the new group of volunteers has went into town for a tour so the rest of us are just enjoying a lazy day. 27 new people got here last yesterday, most of them late last night, so we did not meet them until breakfast this morning. Its definitely overwhelming and hectic right now with everyone getting adjusted and introducing themselves but im sure as time goes on I'll get used to it. As of now though, it seems to be near impossible to remember everyone. So far, I have met all the girls in the room across the hall and they all seem great so it will be nice to make new friends. Also about 8 people left yesterday from our first group, which proved to be a lot sadder than i thought. Hopefully, we will all stay in touch.

So since the last time I have written the weekend has been a mixture of relaxing days and fun nights. On thursday night about 8 of us went out to dinner for our canadian friends last night and then went to a spot called koolbar afterwards. The place we were at looked like any place where people would hang out in america on a weekend night as well, but there were a lot of locals there too so it was a good mixture. There was a pool table and a dance floor and lots of tables to hang out so a good mix of everything. We also ended up knowing about half the people in the place and made a lot of new friends as well. It was funny though because at one point my friend Amy and i were sitting and commenting on how American this bar war and we looked up and saw that a masai was on the dance floor, wearing a traditional outfit, cloak and all, so that made it seem more like we were in Africa.

On friday, we were at school and it was raining in the morning so we had to be inside with the kids. I was kind of worried that the kids would just be running around the classroom and would be wild all day but instead we sang lots of great songs and I got to learn a lot of new swahili childrens rhymes and dances. Then we worked on writing out english sentences with the older class and rewarded the kids with stickers if they could read out the phrases we had written on the board. Most of the class got the exercise right away but a few we had to help through understanding what they were actually saying in English. The work day flew past though and as soon as i got home i passed out until lunch. Then after lunch we went into town for a little just to use the internet and exchange money and then helped our friends who were leaving pack until dinner. Afterwards, we ended up going back to koolbar and had another really fun night but we ended up leaving early because our friends had 7 am flights in the morning and we were all getting up to say goodbye.

On Saturday we said our goodbyes, which were sad, and after breakfast decided to try out going on a run, which none of us had even thought about during the first 3 weeks. My friends Sam, Kasey, and I started down our dirt road outside the gates but didnt up making it that far because the roads were so bumpy and we were also getting stared at by everyone the entire time. A few younger kids also started running along side us which was kind of weird and funny too but we thought it would be better to turn back. Guess running wasnt the best idea around here but im glad we tried. When we returned a few of the new volunteers had arrived, who had come on an earlier flight so we spent the afternoon talking to them and lying out in the garden. Then after dinner we talked to our directors who gave us permission to stay out past curfew that night so we ended up going back to koolbar again and had another really fun night. Even more people were there this time and we were all happy knowing that we didnt have to make it back early. We met a group of guys from the UK who had just climbed Mt. Killi and were now celebrating their achievement so spent most of the night hanging out with them. Sadly they were leaving for a safari tomorrow but are coming back in a week so im sure we will see them around moshi again. Its amazing how friendly people are out at night and its so nice that everyone in the place hangs out together, masais and all. :)

So yeah it has been a very relaxing weekend during the days and has been really fun to go out and experience local culture and meet new people at night. Exactly how i hoped this weekend, which was our first with no plans, would turn out. Tonight, my 3 friends and i are going to our friends apartment for dinner, which they are making for us. And then im sure we will all be going to bed really early after going out 3 nights in a row.

Sadly, tomorrow is my last day at the Magareza school so ill have to say goodbye to all of the kids which will be hard to do. I feel like i am finally getting adjusted to the school and have learned almost everyones names. I am planning to bring my camera and taking lots of pictures and videos though to remember them. I am also extremely excited for my new placement which i start on tuesday at a local Killimanjaro womens group center called Kidowea (I think). Im not exactly sure what i will be doing because no other ccs volunteers from this house have volunteered there before but supposedly there is an American volunteer working there now independently, who has offered to show me the ropes and help me get settled. I am hoping I will be able to make a difference and be helpful in the two weeks that i am there and will right all about my first impressions in a few days!

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